Wrapping a trellis for winter

As you can see in the photo, trellises covered in vines are easy to wrap, provided you have the right tools.  I’m using a handy ShrubJacket custom sheet ( www.plumstone.com), which is long and wide enough to protect this lovely copper structure and the roses climbing on it.  A climber that is exposed to the wind on all sides is especially vulnerable to wind damage, dessication and freezes.  Use rakings and clippings of leaves and other “junk” to cover the soil inside the ShrubJacket.  This layer of green garbage will lessen heaving and cracking of the soil (and plants’ roots) during periods of rapidly freezing and thawing weather cycles.

Wrapping a rosebush vine before winter will keep it looking amazing all year.

Ah, now that that’s done go inside, make yourself a cup of tea and dream of spring blossoms.

About Kerry VerMeulen

I am co-owner of Plumstone,and a graduate of Purdue University's Ag Dept. where I studied Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Go Boilers!
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